My dear, sweet friend, Rebekah took this footage for me this morning!
She knows how much I love my birds, so she made me a video that
I would like to share with you! Enjoy!
(I apologize for the 'noise' in the background - our heat pump turned
on just as the birds came. We're going to keep trying to capture
them without the extra noise - ;)
Happy New Year 2025
2 months ago
So beautiful and peaceful Diane! I hear all the chatter of your happy friends! :c)
Hi Diane! It's nice to meet you. I came from Jayne's. You have a nice blog here, complete with BIRDS :o)
Hi Mary! Nice to meet you - Thanks for stopping by :)
Hi Jayne! Thank you!
Isn't this the most wonderful Blog?
Thank you Rebekah for your kind comment! and Thank you for the great video everyone is enjoying! :)
Hi, Diane! I love feeding and watching the birds too. I'm plagued mostly with house sparrows though, occasionally I'll have some that are photo worthy.
Hi Robin! Its a pleasure to meet you! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Bless you - I'm going to check out your blog now :)
I love the video, Diane... Just seeing the SNOW and the BIRDS gives me double-pleasure!!!!
I'm so glad other people appreciate the things of nature like I do! It does multiply the joy to be able to share :)
Smiles to you, Betsy!
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