Monday, February 2, 2009

Quote for Today

"Close friends contribute to our personal growth.
They also contribute to our personal pleasure,
making the music sound sweeter,
the wine taste richer,
the laughter ring louder
because they are there."

Judith Viorst


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

That is so true.I am thankful for my friends whether those next door or those known only through the internet.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy Groundhog Day, Diane.. We have a winter wonderland on the plateau this morning. The birds are eating and eating and eating.. I guess we'll have 6 more weeks -at least--of winter!!!!

Hope you are okay.. Haven't seen many of your good bird pictures lately.

Love the quote...

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

Isn't that the truth!!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Diane, for contributing a great deal to my personal growth and my personal pleasure, making music sound so much sweeter, the the coffee so much yummier, the laughter so much louder because you are there.

Diane said...

Betsy, things are pretty quiet at the feeders :(
You're very welcome Rebekah :)