I was so surprised to look out and see the red flash! A Downy Woodpecker arrived and hung around until I could get my camera! (I have envied my Minnesotian friends who have so many throughout the winter!) And, by the way, it is Jayne's recipe that kept him interested! :)
This first picture was taken through my window - I figured one shot through a window was better than none. Then I opened the window, and sure enough, he flew into the trees. I don't know how far the trees are from my kitchen window or how high up he flew, but believe me, it is far! Wondering what kind of photo I could get at that distance, I shot - leaning my body against the window casing.
"Not bad," I thought!
When I looked back at the feeders, to my greater delight...
the first pine sisken of the year!
They are so cute!
Yesterday, a northern flicker was in the yard for about 5 seconds. How handsome they are in flight!
I've been buried in studies and loving every word and assignment, but, not much time for blogging, I'm afraid. I am thankful to catch the few moments today to enjoy taking pictures of new birds. But, I'd better hit the books, now!
Hope all is well with everyone!